For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


I want to ask about Rent

Check the following:

Please choose from the following options about the inquiry on rent.
Payment method can be changed with our app “ruum”. Please refer to the link below for the English instruction.
Change Payment Method
If the rent was not debited, please pay by the following method.
①Paying with a payment slip: Payment slips will be mailed to customers whose payment could not be confirmed. Please pay rent at a convenience store by the due date.
②:Paying with a barcode: You can pay rent at the convenience store with the received barcode on your smartphone.
You need an authorization code to pay with the barcode. Please contact Daito Kentaku Customer Support Center for it .
※Also refer here for rent payment and direct debit.
The payment date depends on the payment method.
・For automatic direct debit:Rent is payable in advance. It is debited on the 26th or 27th (depending on the contract) of each month as a next month rent.
・For credit card payment:Rent is payable in advance. It is charged between 11th~15th of each month as a next month rent. Please contact your credit card company if you need to know the exact charge date.
For more information click here.
You can check from the “Statement” in our app “ruum”. This app is for our tenants only and “apartment registration” is needed. Please click here for the register instruction.
We will check your payment status, so please contact Daito Kentaku Customer Support Center.

■TEL: 0570-020-131 (Navi-dial)(Press1 for English)
9:30~17:30 (Excluding New Year’s Holiday)

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This is not an inquiry form.

For those who need to send an inquiry, please click here.