For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Contract Renewal

I received a contract renewal document, but I’m planning to move out soon

Whether or not renewal is required depends on the date of surrender (may be different from cancellation date).

■For those whose date of surrender is before the contract expiration date
No contract renewal is required. Please discard the renewal documents when they arrive.

-Please click here to apply for contract cancellation.

■For those whose date of surrender is after the contract expiration date
The contract needs to be renewed.
Please follow both contract renewal and cancelation procedures.

-Please click here to apply for contract renewal. 
-Please click here to apply for contract cancelation.


For those whose application date to move out is March 5th, cancellation date is April 5th, and contract expiration date is March 31st.

(1) If the date of surrender is before March 31st: no renewal is required.
(2) If the date of surrender is on or after April 1st: renewal is required*.
*For renewal administration fee details, click here.

To clarify, the date of surrender is the date when the management confirms the completion of the tenants’ moving out.

Please note the date of surrender may be extended if there are any belongings left behind at the residence, the move-out is in progress or incomplete, and / or the keys has not been returned.

If you any questions, please contact us via our official app “ruum“.

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