For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Contract Renewal

Contract Renewal Fees

■Residential buildings (apartments, condominiums) including corporate contracts.

Those who have submitted a "Move-in Application" on August 1, 2021 or later: A contract renewal handling fee is charged at the time of contract renewal every two years. The amount of the fee varies for each contract. Please refer to the leasing contract for the renewal handling fee.
※The contract renewal fee is not refundable (not even partially) when moving out.
Those who are planning to move-out, please refer to the following: "I received a contract renewal form, but I’m planning to move out soon"

■Method of Renewing Contracts
Please refer to this link below.

■Method of Contract Renewal handling fee Payment 

① Tenants who signed their apartment contracts under their individual name.
・Contract Renewal fee will be charged along with rent after the contract is renewed.
・The payment month of contract renewal fee will be different depending on the completed date for the contract renewal (depending on if it was before 21st (exclusive), or after 21stof the month).

Completed date is:  
* Contract Renewal from the App: the next business day after the procedure.
* Contract Renewal by post (written documents): the next business day and onwards after the arrival of the completed form to our company.

<Example: Any Tenants whose contracts will be terminated by the end of March>

② Those who have signed the apartment contracts under the company‘s name
⇒After finishing contract renewal procedure, the payment bill for the contract renewal fee will be mailed by post to the same address from the contract renewal documents

■Commercial Buildings (warehouses, factories, shops, offices etc.)

No renewal fees are required.

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