For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Fire Insurance

I want to know if I have earthquake insurance / deduction for insurance premiums

Please check the contents of your insurance policy, and check the following for more information.

① If your insurance is “Mitsui-Sumitomo Insurance” via Daito Kentaku group;
・Please check the web site Policy holders’ Page (English Page) 
・If you cannot confirm it with the web site, please call the insurance help desk.
(Phone : 0570-003-357 / Weekdays 9:30~17:00 / Japanese language only)

② If your insurance is “HouseGuard, small short-term insurance” via Daito Kentaku group;
The damage to household goods caused by an earthquake is not covered.                  

③ Insurance other than those listed above;
Please contact the agent or the insurance company.

~Deduction for earthquake insurance premiums~
・Those who only have fire insurance but not earthquake insurance are not eligible for the premium tax credit.
・In this case, NO tax deduction certificate will be issued.

① If your insurance is “Mitsui-Sumitomo Insurance” via Daito Kentaku group;
・Please find a “tax deduction certificate” at the lower-right corner of the “insurance policy” or “policy continuation certificate (postcard). (Details:Mitsui-Sumitomo Insurance Website / Japanese only)
・Check If you have Earthquake insurance at Policyholders’ Page (Japanese only).

② If your insurance is “HouseGuard, small short-term insurance” via Daito Kentaku group;
It is not covered with earthquake insurance, NO tax deduction certificate will be issued.

③ Insurance other than those listed above;
Please contact the agent or the insurance company.

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