For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


No TV signal / Poor Reception

Please read the TV’s user manual first, then refer to the followings for more helpful hints.

※If you are still having a problem, please contact Daito Kentaku Customer Support Center.

Was the TV working fine for a certain period of time at your current apartment?
Please make sure the mode selection on the TV is switched to the one you desire (Digital TV/BS/CS/Decoder/Game Console).
Please make sure the antenna cable between the TV and the plug on the wall is securely connected.
If you have an extra antenna cable, please replace the cable to see if it solves the problem.
If you connected a video recorder or a game console between the TV and the plug on the wall, please try to connect the TV directly to the plug to make sure there’s no problem on the added equipment.
Please make sure the B-CAS card, IC card for digital broadcasting reception, is inserted properly. Cleaning the IC card with a dry cloth and rebooting the system may solve the problem.
If you moved to different region/reception area, you need to change the receiver setting accordingly.
※After moving-in, base station would be different, so you need to set up your TV from “Initial Scan” instead of “Re-scan” setting.
Please refer to the TV’s user manual for the procedure.
Thank you for answering the questions. If you are still having a problem or having other issues, please contact Daito Kentaku Customer Support Center
Please contact Daito Kentaku Customer Support Center

※If you take a picture of current signal strength display from the set-up menu on your TV, it will help us to assist you more smoothly.
※In case you have a cable-TV service, please contact the cable-TV company.

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