For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Common Questions

Living noises

We are all in this together

Sounds such as footsteps and doors opening and closing are everyday life regular sounds. However, to ensure a comfortable living environment, we would like to ask everybody to keep in mind that may be people who work at home or should be sleeping. Please take precautions such as keeping your footsteps as quiet as possible and closing doors slowly by placing your hand on them, etc.

■These can make annoying noises:

- Operating a washing machine or vacuum cleaner early in the morning and late at night.

- Jumping or Running in the apartment.

- Playing instruments, Having gatherings, or other noisy activities.

As residents of apartment buildings, it is important for all of us to be considerate to each other. And be aware of daily life noises that we all could make, such as footsteps and loud voices.  

For those who have children in the apartments, please instruct them not to run around nor jump in the apartment. 

Jumping & Running noises could annoy your neighbors.
Use headphones for TV & Music at night.
Please shut the doors with care. Door closing noise echoes around your neighborhood.

Contact us if you have noise problems

The noise may be perceived differently by each individual. Contact us first at Daito Kentaku Customer Support Center.

(A Major Case in Noise Problem*)

*This is just one of the cases.

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