For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Move-out Procedure

I'm moving out, so I want to cancel my insurance contract / How long do I need to keep my insurance?

・To avoid an uninsured period, please keep your fire insurance until the end of your room contract.
・The cancellation procedure differs depending on the insurance policy you have. Before proceeding, please confirm the insurance company (agent) with the insurance policy or renewal documents.

① For tenants with Mitsui-Sumitomo-Kaijo fire insurance, signed via Daito Kentaku group:

■Tenants who have a 1-year Living FIT contract
Our agent (Daito Kentaku Leasing) will handle the cancellation procedures on your behalf. No contact or procedure is required from tenants.
If you have any questions regarding the refundable premium or cancellation date, please contact the General Insurance Center (0570-003-357/weekdays 10:30-12:30, 13:30-17:00).

■Tenants who have other contracts (GK insurance, Business Fire Insurance Business Keeper)
General Insurance Center will send you the cancellation documents about 3 weeks after you apply to move out.
If you do not receive any documents, please contact the General Insurance Center (0570-003-357/weekdays 10:30-12:30, 13:30-17:00).

② For those who have signed “House Guard (少額短期保険ハウスガード) insurance” via Daito Kentaku group:
Please contact House Guard Customer Center: 0120-365-289, 9:00-17:00 (Excluding year-end and new year holidays)

③ Not listed above
Please contact the insurance company or agent (real-estate company) where you signed the apartment contract.

To apply for moving-out, please check here.

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