For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Consolidated Billing Service

Frequently Asked Questions about “Consolidated Billing Service”

■What is “Consolidated Billing Service”?
Consolidated Billing Service  [おまとめ請求サービス] is a billing service provided by the Daito Kentaku Group, which can make one consolidated invoice for your monthly payment of water, electricity, and gas, given that each service is either supplied or billed by Daito Kentaku directly.

*This may not be applicable depending on the details of your contract.
*This is available for tenants with individual contracts at the buildings managed by Daito Kentaku Partners (corporate contracts do not apply)

■How to confirm/verify your billing details
1. Log in to your ruum account, choose “My Room,” and tap “Billing Details [利用明細].”
2. Then, tap “Billing History [ご請求履歴照会]” to see the details.

* It may not be available for some Android devices. Please check here (Japanese only) in such case to confirm how to set up your smartphone.
* The billing details for “Consolidated Billing Service” is reflected around 16th - 20th of each month.

■After moving in, you find no billing payment / was charged for 2 months of usage
The initial billing period (month) may vary due to the of the building’s inspection day for the meter. Therefore, there is a possibility the first month’s usage may be charged later, resulting in a consolidated billing for two months of usage.

■Before moving out, you find no utility payment / was charged for 2 months of usage
Your utility fees will be billed the following month. Depending on the timing of the meter reading date at your building, your last two-months may be charged together as one consolidated bill.

<Example> If your move-out date is February 15th 
・Your utility fees for January and the 15-day-usage in February will be calculated and added your final balance at the time of the move-out settlement.

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