For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


DK SELECT Internet Service/FAQ

※This page describes the buildings eligible for "DK SELECT (free Internet)."
If you have your own contract for internet, please contact the company directly.

■Can not connect to internet (Wi-Fi)
Please check the Wi-Fi setting of your devices (smartphone, PC, etc.). If no signal is detected, please try rebooting the Wi-Fi equipment on the wall in your apartment unit. 

<Reboot Procedures>

① Push the “POWER” button on the Wi-Fi equipment, and make sure the indicator light is off.
② Push the “POWER” button again to turn it on.
③ When it is rebooted, the green indicator turns on. Please try the Wi-Fi connection again.

If you still have NO connection after rebooting the Wi-Fi equipment, you see red or orange indicter flashing, or no indicator is on, please contact “DK SELECT Internet Support Center” at 0120-036-520 (Japanese only).

■My devices can not find the specified SSID

Make sure the Wi-Fi equipment is on (with a green indicator).
There may be a malfunction if your devices can not find Wi-Fi connection while the equipment is on. Please contact “DK SELECT Internet Support Center” at 0120-036-520 (Japanese only).

■Internet is slow

Depending on the time and connection congestion, the connection speed can be slow.  If it is always slow or it becomes slow suddenly, the equipment may be having problems.  Please contact “DK SELECT Internet Support Center” at 0120-036-520 (Japanese only).

■Can not connect in the other room because of weak signal

DK SELECT’s Wi-Fi equipment is designed for its use inside the equipped room. 
Depending on the apartment layout (especially when there is a sink, toilet, or shower in between) the signal can hardly reach to each room. Please install a Wi-Fi router or a range extender if you would like to improve the signal.

※Examples of Wi-Fi routers

For inquiries, please contact “DK SELECT Internet Support Center” at 0120-036-520 (Japanese only).

■I have accidentally initialized the Wi-Fi equipment

The equipment needs to be set up by a technician. 
Please contact “DK SELECT Internet Support Center” at 0120-036-520 (Japanese only).

【 DK SELECT Internet Support Center 】
Phone : 0120-036-520 (Japanese only)
Hours : Mon. – Sat., 10:00 – 18:00 (except Holidays & New-Year break)

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