For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Troubleshooting During Disasters

Preparing for Rainstorms/ Typhoons

■Countermeasures for Rainstorms/ Typhoons

①Entering Rainwater from Window Frame Area
In case of strong wind against windows, water may enter into your apartment. Put towels or newspapers into the gaps of window frames and replace them periodically.

②Entering Rainwater from under the Entrance Door
In case of strong wind against the entrance door, water may enter into your apartment. Put towels or newspapers into the gap under the door and replace them periodically.

③Do Not Leave Objects on the Balcony during Storms
In case of strong wind, remove all your items from your balcony to avoid them getting blown away and hit people, cars, windows, walls, or other things. Close shutters if your apartment has them on the windows. If no shutters, make cross-marks on the windows, glasses with adhesive tapes and close curtains. This measure could prevent shattering of glass.

④Entering Rainwater from the Balcony
The balcony can easily get flooded if the drain holes are clogged during rainstorm. Cleaning drain holes on a regular basis can minimize the risk of water getting into your room from the balcony.

⑤In case the fire alarm is activated, please call your building management company and the fire department.

⑥Water Outage
In case of water outage, shut all faucets to prepare for the time of recovery.

⑦Shutters for Shops, Offices, and Storages (for Business Use)
During rainstorms and typhoons, shutters may come off the rails. If a typhoon or a storm is expected, please take the following measures in advance.

  1. Check if the shutter posts are secured. The locking hole of the posts may be filled with muds. Please clean them if they are plugged.

  2. Close down the shutter completely. In case of very strong typhoon, we recommend you placing blue tarp and sandbags in front of the shutter. This could reduce the damage by storms.

***A water outage could occur along with a power outage due to its electric pumps. Therefore, securing a minimum amount of water is highly recommended.***

■Other Inquiries about Disasters
Disaster Prevention Information / Evacuation
Lightning Safety

If you have problems with your apartment or building, contact Daito Kentaku Customer Support Center.

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