For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Air Conditioner

Water is leaking from the air conditioner

Please refer to the check chart below.

If the problem can't be solved, please contact Daito Kentaku Customer Support Center with the name of the brand, model number, and year of manufactured ready.

※It might take some time to fix or replace the unit.

【Example: Where you can check the brand, model number, and manufactured year.】

【Outside Unit’s Drain Hose】

When you are using the air conditioner, is water coming out of the outside unit’s drain hose?
When the humidity inside room is high, and the temperature setting is too low, the water leakage can occur because of the condensation inside the unit. Please run the unit on the dry mode or use the higher temperature setting.
If dust or insects are clogging the drain hose, or the end of hose is submerged in water or blocked by something, please remove the obstacle.
When the humidity inside room is high, and the temperature setting is too low, the water leakage can occur because of the condensation inside the unit. Please run the unit on the dry mode or use the higher temperature setting.
Thank you for answering the questions. If the problem is not solved yet, or if you have any other inquiries, please contact Daito Kentaku Customer Support Center
Please let us know the make and the model number by contacting Daito Kentaku Customer Support Center

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