For Residents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


I would like to check the amount of rent debited

■How to check your rent payment statement
If you register your apartment to our app “ruum,” you can check your rent statement via the app or the website. Also, you can download the payment statements (PDF).
→ How to register for “ruum”

・Only the main member (the contractor) can check payment statements. Not available for family members and corporate members.
・Only in buildings* where Daito Kentaku is in charge of reading the water and energy meters may you check the detailed usage. Otherwise, please inquire directly with the company you sign your contract with.
*Using the “ruum” app, go to [My Room] → [住まいの情報 Housing Information].[電気 Electricity] and/or [水道 Water] show ”Daito Kentaku” as contact name.

■When the payment is reflected to your “payment statement”
For Direct Bank Debit, the payment is reflected 5th business day of the following month. For Credit Card Payment, it is reflected around 20th of the same month.
※The dates of reflection may be delayed during Summer and New-year holidays.

■Why does the amount of payment vary from month to month
If you use “Combined Payment Service (rent payment together with utility payments),” the amount can be changed because of utility usages.

■Why there are additional charges of 100-170 yen
Those are bank fees. Bank direct debits are charged fees of 100, 150, or 170 yen. (There is a “guarantor company fee of 1% of your total rent of the month” if you have the service.) 
For details, please see the “Request form for direct debit” which you received at the signing of your lease contract. 

■What are the other miscellaneous charges
It depends on the details of your contract. One common charge is “guarantee company fee.” If you sign the contract with a payment guarantee company, there is a fee of 1.0 to 5.5 % of the total monthly rent as a miscellaneous charge. 

■Why does the rent differ from what I signed
The rent is subject to change at the time of contract renewal.
Please check the “Details of lease renewal” which was handed at the time of renewal. 

《Example》  “Details of lease renewal” (In case of renewal in writing) 


●In case of renewal via “Smart phone app” or “Website.”
From [My Page],[各種手続き Various procedures]=>[契約更新 Contract renewal]You can see your previous “Agreement of lease renewal.” 


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